Craftspeople and stores
Fabrica Romanorvm http://fabricaromanorum.shawwebspace.ca/
One of the best sources for custom made arms and armour
Handmade Revolution http://www.handmaderevolution.org/
Custom jewelry, but also leatherwork, clothes and even armour
Manning Imperial http://www.manningimperial.com/
One of the best sources for custom made arms and armour
Royal Oak Armoury http://www.royaloakarmoury.com/
One of the best sources for custom made arms and armour
Sources of information
Roman Army Talk http://romanarmytalk.com/
Visit the Greek sections of the forum to discuss military history, archeology and reconstruction
Hollow Laikedaimon http://hollow-lakedaimon.blogspot.gr/
Paul Bardunias's blog on Sparta and Hoplite warfare